Planning Advice

A distillery cannot be funded until it has planning permission. Unfortunately planning is a process which is political and subjective. We have obtained permissions for whisky, gin, rum and vodka distilleries over the years (in fact we have never had an application refused).

Distilleries are a good news story - they create many well-paid jobs in locations which are often very rural, where there is little other employment. They are a legacy business, they cannot be easily moved once constructed, they will continue supplying employment and paying taxes for generations to come.

Our distillery applications are very comprehensive planning submissions. We write technical statements, perhaps a conservation statement and a design statement. Drawings will include information on inputs and outputs, vehicle servicing and  production equipment.

Experience has taught us that planning officers have a small number of technical concerns which must be answered; lighting, smells, noise. All are red herrings and all can be overcome by employing experienced consultants who we can recommend.


Concept Design and Production Layout


Distillery Design